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Creole Queen Whole Bean Coffee

100% Arabica, single-origin, organic, and fair trade

  • Product Info

    Riverboat is pleased to offer 1 Pound bags of Medium and Dark Roast Whole Bean Coffee.

    This coffee is grown between 1300-1500 feet above sea level in the Region Jinotega Nicaragua. La Bastilla Coffee farm has a fully integrated supply chain, meaning they plant, produce, harvest, process, and export all of their green coffee beans directly from the farm to their destination.

  • Product Type:

    Whole bean coffee

  • About the Beans:

    Traditional processing method for fine milds, and dried at 45 degrees C. The washed parchment is classified for with clean water in the "Colombian channel" prior to drying. Our beans are certified organic, fair trade, single origin, and Rain Forest Alliance. 

  • Flavor Notes:

    Our Medium Roast has a bright fruitiness and floral aroma with notes of citrus. Our Dark Roast has fruity chocolaty notes with balanced level of acidity.